I’m Kaitlin and you are exactly where you’re meant to be. You were guided here for a reason and it’s time to explore a different path forward to a happier, healthier, more balanced you.
I am a Registered Physiotherapist and Certified Hypnotherapist with a unique and holistic approach to supporting people that are experiencing chronic pain and/or other mindbody symptoms. My current practice has grown from a place of curiosity, inner exploration and healing, experimentation, and a deep inner drive to create an approach that not only supports the resolution of chronic pain and/or mindbody symptoms, but guides people through their own personal healing journey to create the life, feelings, and experiences that are meaningful to them.
While I have taken a variety of courses that have been influential on my practice and approach, my greatest learning has come from own inner journey. I have personally explored and experienced each of the different techniques and modalities I incorporate into my approach, have read and continue to read books to deepen my understanding, continue to take courses, and share everything with my clients. I truly believe that you cannot lead someone where you yourself have not been. While everyone’s experiences and journeys are unique, there are many similar themes along the way. My journey is ongoing, but I am at a point where I feel confident supporting others through their own journey of healing the mind, body, and emotions to create the life they desire.
MY approach
I offer an ever-evolving holistic, trauma-sensitive, mindbody approach with you at the centre. My goal is to help you understand the pain and/or mindbody symptoms (e.g. headaches, digestive issues, pelvic pain, anxiety, etc.) you are experiencing from a different perspective. One that incorporates the physical, mental, and emotional components that contribute to the experience of pain and/or mindbody symptoms.
Most people are overly aware of and focussed on the physical components that may be contributing to the pain and/or mindbody symptoms they are experiencing but tend to be quite unaware of the significant impact of the mental and emotional components. The physical, mental and emotional components are interconnected and influence each other. To resolve the pain and/or mindbody symptoms you’re experiencing, you truly need an approach that incorporates the physical, mental, and emotional components.
My approach is different; however, over the almost 12 years of my clinical practice it is by far the most effective approach I have found to help people manage and resolve the pain and/or mindbody symptoms they are experiencing.
Albert Einstein said it best, “insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result”. It’s time to try something different!
I incorporate a variety of different approaches to help you understand and impact the subconscious/unconscious brain, the autonomic nervous system and neuroplasticity. The positive changes you make in the subconscious/unconscious brain and autonomic nervous system manifest in your body and life.
I integrate a variety of gentle hands on techniques that serve to signal safety to your subconscious/unconscious brain and autonomic nervous system brain, as well as guide your subconscious/unconscious brain to different areas of your body so it has the opportunity to re-evaluate and change the protective responses it’s holding in the body. Basically, I support you through breaking the protective habits in your body. You can’t break a habit you aren’t aware of.
I will support you in understanding and experiencing that it’s safe to feel your emotions in your body. All emotions are transitory and temporary. They ebb and flow. When we can create safety around feeling emotions we create the opportunity for you to move through them and release them.
Education and qualifications
Registered Physiotherapist (College of Physiotherapists of Ontario/CPO)
Certified Hypnotherapist (International Association of Counselors and Therapists/IACT)
Master of Science in Clinical Anatomy (Western University)
Master of Science in Physiotherapy (University of Toronto)
Honors Bachelor of Applied Science in Applied Human Nutrition (University of Guelph)
Past Life HypnoRegression Mastery (Transpersonal Womb and Past Life Regression)
HypnoSkillsets Basic (Transpersonal Clinical Hypnotherapy)
Advanced Pranic (Energy) Healing
Basic Pranic (Energy) Healing
Freedom from Chronic Pain
Pain Reprocessing Therapy
Vagus Nerve MOJO/Therapy
ADAPT Health Coach Program
Fluid Force Systems/Blood Flow and Pressure Regulation
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Skills for Distressing Physical Symptoms
Lymphatic MOJO/Massage
Innovative Exercises for the Sensitive Nervous System
Visceral Mobilization: The Urinary System
Visceral Mobilization: The Gastrointestinal System
Developing a Clinical Framework for Treating Persistent Pain
Female and Male Pelvic Pain
The Physical Therapy Approach to Female and Male Urinary Incontinence
Level 1-3 Upper and Lower Manual Therapy
Exercise Prescription for Cervical Spine Dysfunction
Contemporary Medical Acupuncture
Chronic Pain (e.g. back pain, neck pain, jaw pain, headaches, etc.)
MindBody Symptoms (e.g. chronic pain, headaches, digestive issues, pelvic pain, anxiety, TMJ dysfunction, body tension, etc.)
TMJ Symptoms (e.g. jaw pain, clenching, grinding, tension, etc.)
Pelvic Floor Symptoms (e.g. pelvic pain, pain with intercourse, vaginismus, vulvodynia, etc.)
Autonomic Nervous System Dysregulation (e.g. overall changes include shallow breathing, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, digestive issues, sensitivity to light, sensitivity to sound, reduced tolerance to stress, emotions, or alcohol, difficulty remembering things, difficulty focussing, difficulty concentrating, changes in sleep, changes in immune function, hormonal changes, etc. Some specifics of each state: anxiety/flight - feeling overwhelmed, restless, excessive worrying, overthinking, hypervigilence, tension in the lower body including the stomach, back, hips, hamstrings and calves; overreaction/fight - feeling irritated, frustrated, agitated, defensive, tension in the upper body including the neck, shoulders, chest, hands, forearms, jaw, stomach and back; panic attacks/freeze - feeling stuck, indecisive, body wide tension; depression/shutdown – feeling numb, disconnected, dissociated, depressed, depleted, brain fogged, socially withdrawn and minimal to no body tension)
Stress (see Autonomic Nervous System Dysregulation. A stressor is the “trigger” or perceived threat that leads to your brain using the different state of the nervous system (flight, fight, freeze, shutdown) to protect you)
Post-Concussion Symptoms (e.g. headaches, dizziness, nausea, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, changes in memory, sensitivity to light and sound, fatigue, changes in sleeping patterns, lack of focus, panic attacks, depression, irrational anger, irritability, increases feelings of sadness, fear of movement of head and neck, etc.)
Long Covid (e.g. brain fog, headaches, changes in sleeping patterns, dizziness, fatigue, anxiety, depression, pins and needles, hair loss, changes in smell and/or taste, lightheadedness with small amounts of activity or moving from lying to sitting or sitting to standing, difficulty concentrating and focussing, irritability, low energy, etc.)