Who Are you?
Dear Incredible Human,
I am assuming that either you or someone you love is experiencing chronic pain and/or mindbody symptoms and is looking for support and guidance on how to resolve the experience of pain and/or symptoms in order to live a happier and healthier life. If my assumption is correct, you are in the right place! I want you to know that I understand how life altering the experience of chronic pain and/or mindbody symptoms can be. If you are feeling alone, frustrated, hopeless and/or misunderstood, I want you to know that I see you and that it doesn’t have to continue this way.
Unfortunately, the medical system is not set up to support people experiencing chronic pain and/or other mindbody symptoms. The medical system relies on tests, imaging, and comparing to “normal” values to diagnose and treat conditions. If your tests and images appear “normal”, most medical professionals tend to not know why you are experiencing pain and/or other symptoms, which leads them to either throw medications at the pain and/or symptoms, refer you to another medical professional, or make unhelpful and/or unrealistic suggestions and recommendations. All of this contributes to feelings of uncertainty, fear, and hopelessness, which can make you feel even more alone, frustrated and/or misunderstood.
If this has been part of your experience thus far and you are experiencing any of the following:
Chronic Pain (e.g. back pain, neck pain, jaw pain, hip pain, knee pain, foot pain, shoulder pain, elbow pain, wrist pain, pelvic pain, headaches, fibromyalgia, etc.)
MindBody Symptoms (e.g. chronic pain (see all listed above), digestive issues, anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, TMJ/jaw dysfunction, body tension, tinnitus, etc.)
TMJ/Jaw Symptoms (e.g. jaw pain, clenching, grinding, tension, etc.)
Pelvic Floor Symptoms (e.g. pelvic pain, pain with intercourse, vaginismus, vulvodynia, vestibulodynia, incontinence, etc.)
Autonomic Nervous System Dysregulation (e.g. overall changes include shallow breathing, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, digestive issues, sensitivity to light, sensitivity to sound, reduced tolerance to stress, emotions, or alcohol, difficulty remembering things, difficulty focussing, difficulty concentrating, changes in sleep, changes in immune function, hormonal changes, etc. Some specifics of each state: anxiety/flight - feeling overwhelmed, restless, excessive worrying, overthinking, hypervigilence, tension in the lower body including the stomach, back, hips, hamstrings and calves; overreaction/fight - feeling irritated, frustrated, agitated, defensive, tension in the upper body including the neck, shoulders, chest, hands, forearms, jaw, stomach and back; panic attacks/freeze - feeling stuck, indecisive, body wide tension; depression/shutdown – feeling numb, disconnected, dissociated, depressed, depleted, brain fogged, socially withdrawn and minimal to no body tension)
Stress (see Autonomic Nervous System Dysregulation) A stressor is the “trigger” or perceived threat that leads to your brain using the different states of the nervous system (flight, fight, freeze, shutdown) to protect you. The brain can perceive anything as a threat. We are all unique in what our brain perceives as threat vs safe and it depends on our upbringing and experiences in life. You can rewire what your brain perceives as a threat, so long as it isn’t actually threatening, so that it no longer responds in the same way.
Post-Concussion Symptoms (e.g. headaches, pressure in the head, dizziness, neck pain, light-headedness, balance issues, sensitivity to light, sensitivity to sound, fatigue, reduced tolerance to stress, emotions, or alcohol, difficulty remembering things, difficulty focussing, difficulty concentrating, confusion, feeling mentally slow, changes in sleep, irritability, depression, anxiety, feeling more emotional, lack of energy, brain fog, etc.)
Long Covid (e.g. headaches, fatigue, abdominal pain, pain in the muscles and joints, sleep issues, shortness of breath (ie shallow breathing), difficulty remembering things, difficulty focussing, difficulty concentrating, lack of energy, anxiety, depression, changes in blood pressure, changes in heart rate, heart palpitations (fast-beating or pounding heart), brain fog, dizziness or light-headedness when you stand up or exert yourself, changes in taste and smell, digestive changes, hormonal changes (ie changes in menstrual cycle), etc.)
I am here to tell you that there are other options to support yourself and resolve the pain and/or mindbody symptoms you are experiencing.
There is a lot of overlap in the list above. This was purposeful. It helps you start to see that everything is connected and that most of the time the symptoms listed above are a product of your subconscious/unconscious brain (SUB) and autonomic nervous system (ANS) perceiving a “threat” or a constant stream of “threats”. The key word is perceiving. The SUB and ANS can perceive anything as a “threat”. What they perceive as a “threat” is based on all of your own unique life experiences, thoughts, beliefs, etc. If the SUB and ANS are perceiving a “threat”, they will use whatever strategies they have to protect you from what they are perceiving to be dangerous. Your SUB and ANS aren’t logical and rational and they can’t speak to you using words. So they have to rely on other strategies to protect you, which include pain, tension, anxiety, overthinking, and anything else you see in the list above. Ultimately, your SUB and ANS are fighting for you and not against you. Most people just don’t understand it this way because most of the protective strategies tend to be uncomfortable, painful, distracting, etc. and impede our ability to enjoy life. The role of the SUB and ANS is to protect you so that you stay alive and can pass on your genes. They don’t care whether you are happy, sad, or annoyed in the process. They have kept you alive and that is their only job. As you understand more about the SUB, ANS, perceived “threats” and their impact on the body you start to take the power back to shift and resolve the pain and/or mindbody symptoms you are experiencing.
I am here to support and guide you through this process. To ensure you feel seen, heard, and understood in your experience and to provide you with the knowledge and tools to resolve the pain and/or mindbody symptoms you are experiencing so that you can enjoy life!
Cheers, Kaitlin