What to expect
the nature of a session depends on what you are hoping to get out of our time together and what we discussed during our previous session. The descriptions below serve as a reference for you to know what to expect during subsequent sessions.
Allow these options to serve as a guide to booking a session and to explore the different modalities that we can incorporate into our time together. Each session is tailored to your unique needs and thus I am very flexible with what I incorporate into each session and tend to weave a blend of many modalities into each type of session.
For a Physiotherapy Subsequent Session, you have the option of booking 60-, 75-, 90-, 0r 120-minutes. I appreciate that these session lengths seem long, but you’d be surprised how quickly the time passes and how beneficial it is to have this much time and not feel rushed. For most clients, I recommend booking a subsequent session within 2-4 weeks of the current session. I like to give you time between sessions because the grand majority of your life happens outside of our session and I need to know the impact what we did during our session and what you are incorporating into your daily life has on the pain and/or symptoms you are experiencing. The length and frequency of subsequent sessions comes from experience.
The Physiotherapy Subsequent Session is truly tailored to you and depends on what happened during our previous session, what has happened between our last session and the current session, how you are feeling in that moment, and what direction both you and I feel would be most beneficial for you. We are a team. I will always share what I believe would be the most beneficial approach for our session based on my knowledge, skills, experience and intuition. I also want to hear your input on what you feel would be beneficial and we can decide what direction to take the session together.
A Physiotherapy Subsequent Session may incorporate a combination of the following:
You will have the opportunity to share what you noticed between out last session and the current session. This typically takes longer than you think. It typically ranges between 15-30 minutes.
We may review any concepts that you didn’t understand or that weren’t clear from our previous session(s).
We may discuss any new concepts that will be helpful for you to understand.
We may incorporate different modalities to explore the mind, body and emotions. Click here to explore the modalities we can incorporate into our time together. Depending on what we incorporate, this can easily take 45 minutes or more.
We may discuss any changes to the tools and techniques you are incorporating into your day to day life based on what we did and what happened during the session.
Pelvic Health Physiotherapy
For a Pelvic Health Physiotherapy Subsequent Session, you have the option of booking 60-, 75-, 90-, 0r 120-minutes. I appreciate that these session lengths seem long, but you’d be surprised how quickly the time passes and how beneficial it is to have this much time and not feel rushed. For most clients, I recommend booking a subsequent session within 2-4 weeks of the current session. I like to give you time between sessions because the grand majority of your life happens outside of our session and I need to know the impact what we did during our session and what you are incorporating into your daily life has on the pain and/or symptoms you are experiencing. The length and frequency of subsequent sessions comes from experience.
The Pelvic Health Physiotherapy Subsequent Session is truly tailored to you and depends on what happened during our previous session, what has happened between our last session and the current session, how you are feeling in that moment, and what direction both you and I feel would be most beneficial for you. We are a team. I will always share what I believe would be the most beneficial approach for our session based on my knowledge, skills, experience and intuition. I also want to hear your input on what you feel would be beneficial and we can decide what direction to take the session together. ***Please note: For a Pelvic Health Physiotherapy Subsequent Session you will book one of the “Subsequent Session” options under “Physiotherapy Subsequent Sessions”.
A Pelvic Health Physiotherapy Subsequent Session may incorporate a combination of the following:
You will have the opportunity to share what you noticed between out last session and the current session. This typically takes longer than you think. It typically ranges between 15-30 minutes.
We may review any concepts that you didn’t understand or that weren’t clear from our previous session(s).
We may discuss any new concepts that will be helpful for you to understand.
We may incorporate different modalities to explore the mind, body and emotions. Click here to explore the modalities we can incorporate into our time together. Depending on what we incorporate, this can easily take 45 minutes or more.
We may incorporate internal vaginal modalities that support the pelvic floor and pelvic health. These can include contracting the pelvic floor muscles, lengthening the pelvic floor muscles, remapping the pelvic floor area, somatic tracking, and/or perineal massage.
We may discuss any changes to the tools and techniques you are incorporating into your day to day life based on what we did and what happened during the session.
clinical hypnotherapy
For a subsequent Hypnotherapy Session, you have the option of booking a Clinical Hypnotherapy Session, Womb Regression Session, or Past Life Regression Session. The type of session you book really depends on what you are hoping to explore. If you are interested in hypnotherapy, I highly recommend you book a Clinical Hypnotherapy Session for your first session. During our first session we can discuss the other options and figure out what session would be most beneficial to explore during our next session.
Regardless of the type of Hypnotherapy Session you book, the session will be tailored to you and depends on what you are hoping to explore with hypnotherapy, what happened during our previous session, what has happened between our last session and the current session, how you are feeling at that moment, what direction both you and I feel would be most beneficial for you, and and what comes up during the session while in the trance state. We are a team. I will always share what I believe would be the most beneficial approach for our session based on my knowledge, skills, experience and intuition. I also want to hear your input on what you feel would be beneficial and we can decide what direction to take the session together. Ultimately, your subconscious mind will take you to the experience and feelings you are meant to connect with at this time. With all Hypnotherapy Sessions, the information you receive can vary greatly and you will always experience what is meant for you at this point in your journey. Trust the process.
A Clinical Hypnotherapy Session is 90 minutes in length may incorporate a combination of the following:
You will have the opportunity to share what you noticed between out last session and the current session.
A discussion of the issue you are hoping to explore during the session. Hypnotherapy can be used to explore and resolve many issues. Learn more.
I will use a progressive relaxation induction, similar to a guided meditation, to guide you into a deeper state of relaxation, the trance state, where the brain waves slow and you have access to the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind stores all of your experiences and their corresponding emotions. Connecting with the subconscious mind gives you the opportunity to connect with the deeper roots of the issue(s) you are exploring.
Once you are in a deep state of relaxation, we will use one or a combination of the following to explore the subconscious for the root of the issue: 1. Age Regression. This involves guiding your subconscious mind back to the first time you experienced the issue as that is the most powerful place to resolve it and will have an impact on all subsequent events connected to the issue. 2. Parts Therapy. This involves connecting with the part(s) of you that is holding on to patterns, emotions and protective behaviours of the past. Connecting with the part(s) gives it the opportunity to feel seen and understood. We can then ask the part why they are playing that role so we can understand that part better. Once we understand why that part is playing that role, we can share with it how the role it’s playing is actually impacting our current life and the issue we are exploring. All of our parts truly want the best for us, but a lot of the time they don’t realize that what they are doing is no longer supporting us in the ways we need. These parts are usually living in the past and once they understand how their behaviour is impacting your current life, they are usually very open to changing their role to something that would be more beneficial. 3. The Feelings Bridge. This involves bringing up the present day issue we are exploring in your mind and allowing the feelings to arise in your body. We will then use the feelings to guide the subconscious mind back to the first time you experienced the feelings. Again, the first time you experienced the feelings is the most powerful place to resolve them and the issue and will have an impact on all subsequent events connected to those feelings and the issue.
What happens next really depends on what comes up for you. Ultimately, we will explore what comes up in detail and hold space for you to feel the emotions connected to the experience. Feeling the emotions allows you to release them and disconnect them from the experience. Once the emotions are no longer connected to that experience, it’s stored as a neutral memory and no longer has the same impact on you.
I will incorporate different therapeutic and energetic release techniques to support you in releasing the emotions at a deeper level.
We will invite in the emotions and ways you want to feel, respond, behave, etc.
I will incorporate direct suggestions that will help you release outdated patterns and behaviours, emotions, and beliefs. We will incorporate direct suggestion to reinforce the new ways you want to feel, respond, behave, believe, etc. Direct suggestions are very powerful in supporting the creation of new neural pathways, which is the premise of neuroplasticity. We want to create a foundation of the new ways you want to feel, behave, respond, believe, etc. so that you brain has a pathway to follow and as this new pathway is activated more often it gets stronger and stronger over time until you have created new programming and are feeling, responding, behaving and believing in completely different ways.
I will guide you down the path of your future self. As you walk down this path, I will reinforce that you are already feeling, responding, behaving, believing, etc. in all of the ways that are ideal for you at this time. Already living as your future self. Feeling all of the ways you want to feel, responding and behaving in the ways you want, leaning into new beliefs, and walking through the world as a new version of yourself. This strengthens the foundation of the new neural pathways we created in the brain. It also gives your brain the opportunity to experience what it would be like to be this new version of yourself, already learning that it is safe to update the programming making it much more willing and open to tread down this new path more often, which ultimately creates a stronger path that becomes more deeply ingrained over time until it’s your new way of being.
I will gently guide you to emerge back to a relaxed, alert and non-suggestible state.
We will discuss your experience.
We will discuss anything you may want to incorporate, explore, or reinforce on a day to day basis.
We will discuss the next step that would be most beneficial for you based on what we noticed during the session and what you are seeking to explore.
Womb Regression hypnotherapy
A Womb Regression Session is an opportunity for you to regress back to your time in your mother's womb. It is during our time in the womb that our soul connects with our physical body. We are still very connected to the spirit realm when we are in our developing body in the womb. While in the trance state, you have access to deeper levels of information such as how your parents were feeling during the pregnancy, why you chose your parents, body, personality, hardships, and your life purpose. This is also a beautiful way to strengthen your connection with your soul/higher self and to access information about your life purpose/mission on this planet. You chose this life for a reason and connecting with your purpose can shift how you perceive your past, present and future. That change in perception alone will shift the path you step forward on. As with all Hypnotherapy Sessions, the information you receive can vary greatly and you will always experience what is meant for you at this time. Trust the process.
The Womb Regression Session will be tailored to you and depends on what you are hoping to explore, what information you are interested in receiving, what happened during our previous session, what has happened between our last session and the current session, how you are feeling at that moment, and what comes up during the session while in the trance state.
A Womb Regression Session is 120 minutes in length and may incorporate a combination of the following:
You will have the opportunity to share what you noticed between out last session and the current session.
A discussion of what you are hoping to explore during the session. Womb Regression can be used to explore your time in the womb, why you chose your parents, family, body, personality, life purpose, hardships, and this particular time on the planet.
I will use a progressive relaxation induction, similar to a guided meditation, to guide you into a deeper state of relaxation, the trance state, where the brain waves slow and you have access to the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind stores all of your experiences and their corresponding emotions, including those from your time in the womb. You may not have been consciously aware of your time in the womb, but your subconscious mind and soul/higher self have this information and you have access to it while in the trance state.
Once you are in a deep state of relaxation (ie trance state), I will guide your subconscious mind back in time through an age regression of happy memories throughout different periods of your life until we reach your time in the womb.
Once you are in the womb space, we will explore how it feels to be in your mother’s womb, how your parents feel about the pregnancy, why you chose your parents, why you chose your family, why you chose your body, why you chose this time on the planet, your life purpose, how you are feeling about the life you are coming to live and any other questions that will connect you with the information you are seeking.
I will incorporate different therapeutic and energetic release techniques to support you in releasing any emotions that may arise.
I will gently guide you to emerge back to a relaxed, alert and non-suggestible state.
We will discuss your experience.
We will discuss anything you may want to incorporate, explore, or reinforce on a day to day basis.
We will discuss the next step that would be most beneficial for you based on what we noticed during the session and what you are seeking to explore.
Please note that Womb Regression Sessions are recorded for you so that you can listen to the information that came forward. While you will be able to remember what happened, it’s a lot of information and it can be helpful to listen to it at a different time as you may have different insights, connections and perceptions come forward.
Past life Regression hypnotherapy
A Past Life Regression Session is an opportunity for you to regress back to another lifetime (ie a past life). The subconscious mind is like a library that stores ALL of your life experiences. The experiences from this current lifetime and the experiences from past lifetimes. We have each lived many lives. We have been wealthy, poor, male, female, the victim, the villain, different races, lived in different parts of the world, etc. We can carry the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual/energetic wounds and hurts from past lifetimes into our current life. Meaning some of the fears, pain, emotions, narratives, beliefs, illnesses, relationship issues, thinking patterns, etc. we are experiencing in our current life are actually a product of an experience from a past lifetime. Remembering the events of a past life provides you a powerful opportunity to heal the mental, physical, emotional and/or spiritual wounds from the past that you have carried with you into this life. Carl Jung says “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” Past life regression offers you an opportunity to connect with the subconscious mind and your soul/higher self to bring archived experiences and emotions from past lifetimes into conscious awareness so you can heal the source of the issue you are experiencing at the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual level.
The Past Life Regression Session will be tailored to you and depends on what you are hoping to explore, what happened during our previous session, what has happened between our last session and the current session, how you are feeling at that moment, and what comes up during the session while in the trance state. Ultimately, your subconscious mind will take you to the past lifetime you are meant to connect with at this time. As with all Hypnotherapy Sessions, the information you receive can vary greatly and you will always experience what is meant for you at this point in your journey. Trust the process.
A Past Life Regression Session is 180 minutes in length and may incorporate a combination of the following:
You will have the opportunity to share what you noticed between out last session and the current session.
A discussion of what you are hoping to explore during the session. Past Life Regression can be used to explore experiences in past lifetimes that are impacting you in this current life. Exploring past lifetimes can lead to profound insights, deep healing on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual/energetic levels, and a deeper connection with your soul/higher self and spirit guide(s).
I will use a progressive relaxation induction, similar to a guided meditation, to guide you into a deeper state of relaxation, the trance state, where the brain waves slow and you have access to the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind stores all of your experiences and their corresponding emotions, including those from your time in the womb. You may not have been consciously aware of your time in the womb, but your subconscious mind and soul/higher self have this information and you have access to it while in the trance state.
Once you are in a deep state of relaxation (ie trance state), I will guide your subconscious mind back in time through an age regression of happy memories throughout different periods of your life until we reach your time in the womb.
Once you are in the womb space, we will explore how it feels to be in your mother’s womb, how your parents feel about the pregnancy, why you chose your parents, why you chose your family, why you chose your body, why you chose this time on the planet, your life purpose, how you are feeling about the life you are coming to live and any other questions that will connect you with the information you are seeking.
I will then guide you to the past lifetime that you are "meant to explore" at this time, or I will direct you to a specific lifetime(s) based on your goals, needs, and/or any other information you shared with me. Once you are in the past lifetime, we will take some time to ground you into your body and your surroundings. We will then tune into what is happening, explore what your life is like (ie do you have a partner, do you have a family, where do you live in the world, what year or century, your vocation, etc.), and go through a few significant events in that life. I will then guide you to and through your death scene. This sounds ominous and scary, but ultimately you have already been through it and you are living on in another life.
I will incorporate different therapeutic and energetic release techniques to support you in releasing any emotions that may arise.
I will guide your soul out of your body and this earthly plane to the spirit realm. The energetic realm that your soul/higher self returns to between each lifetime. In the spirit realm, you will have the opportunity to connect with one or more of your spirit guides. Your spirit guide(s) will cleanse and heal your energy from the lifetime you returned from and then you will have the opportunity to review that life to understand more about the experiences you endured and how they are connected to the issue(s) you are experiencing in your current life.
I will gently guide you to emerge back to a relaxed, alert and non-suggestible state.
We will discuss your experience.
We will discuss anything you may want to incorporate, explore, or reinforce on a day to day basis.
We will discuss the next step that would be most beneficial for you based on what we noticed during the session and what you are seeking to explore.
Please note that Past Life Regression Sessions are recorded for you so that you can listen to the information that came forward. While you will be able to remember what happened, it’s a lot of information and it can be helpful to listen to it at a different time as you may have different insights, connections and perceptions come forward.
lymphatic drainage
For a Lymphatic Drainage Session, you have the option of booking 60-, 75-, or 90-minutes. The Lymphatic Drainage Session is truly tailored to you and depends on what we noticed during our previous session, what has happened between our last session and the current session, how you are feeling at that moment, and what you are hoping to achieve with lymphatic drainage.
A Lymphatic Drainage Session may incorporate a combination of the following:
You will have the opportunity to share what you noticed between out last session and the current session.
We may discuss the lymphatic system, the nervous system, how they impact each other, or any other information that would be helpful for you to understand to support yourself and your goals.
If you are looking to relax, I am happy to be silent and create a serene space for you to escape into yourself during the session.
If you are interested in incorporating energy work or meditation into the session, I am happy to guide you through a Chakra Clearing Meditation, Body Scan Meditation, or Progressive Relaxation Meditation during the session.
During the lymphatic drainage session, I use very gentle hands on techniques to stimulate the nervous system and lymphatic system to support lymphatic fluid flow, blood flow and detoxification. We can incorporate these techniques throughout the whole body or we can focus on the areas of the body the feel like they need some extra attention and support.
You should feel relaxed during and after the session.
Some people experience detoxification symptoms after a lymphatic drainage session. How you feel after a lymphatic drainage session truly depends on what (ie waste, inflammatory by-products, toxins, pathogens, etc.) and how much moved during the session. It is completely normal to experience detoxification symptoms. It is also completely normal to not experience detoxification symptoms. It really depends on what is going on in your particular system. Detoxification symptoms can include experiencing fatigue, a headache, achiness, increased thirst, increased urination, diarrhea, itchiness, feeling hungover, decreased tolerance to substances. Detoxification symptoms tend to resolve within 24-48 hours. Drink lots of water to support flushing your system out.
I may provide you with some suggestions for ways to support your nervous system and lymphatic system during your day to day life.
We will discuss what next step might be most beneficial for you based on what we noticed during the session, what issue(s) you are seeking support with, and your goals.
For a Mentoring Session, you have the option of booking 60-, 75-, or 90-minutes. The Mentoring Session is your opportunity to support yourself and spend time learning in growing in the areas you are truly interested in. The session will be tailored to you and depends on what you are hoping to explore, discuss, and learn, what happened during our previous session, what has happened between our last session and the current session, how you are feeling at that moment, and what comes up during the session itself.
A Mentoring Session may incorporate a combination of the following:
Strategies to support a transition from the mentality of the “fixer” to the guide, support, or coach with your clients.
Discussing challenging client cases.
Learning new concepts.
Learning new hands on techniques.
Creating a practice that supports you mentally, physically, emotionally and financially.
Strengthening your problem solving and clinical reasoning skills.
Strengthening and improving your communication skills.
Bridging the gap between the concepts and skills you’ve learned in school/continuing education courses and their application in clinical practice.
Feel more confident in yourself.
Reflecting on and celebrating personal. and professional growth.
Mentoring sessions are truly your time to spend on whatever is important to you. Each mentoring session is unique and geared towards your hopes and goals both professionally and personally.